Art Taylor reported this morning that fish are jumping everywhere and plenty of bait is in the water from 30 to 60 miles south of Point Loma! He also reported that his sportfisher the Searcher was up against the wall last night on the last day of a charter, bottom of the ninth inning with 2 outs, when his boat got hit BIGTIME! One half hour before dark on the longest day of the year, in a heavy fog, the charter anglers pulled in 32 bluefin and 12 albacore as dusk set in, somewhere carefully and cleverly unreported off the Baja coast. He said the water temperature was ideal and the only negative was 4 days of offshore fog, at times so thick the crew in the wheelhouse could not see the anchor on the bow! All this fog at sea as the Southern California area was scorching with heat. The bite was so good the fish even continued to swarm the boat after the darkness set in. Good signs for the fish soon arriving in southern California waters! Click this article’s title above to visit the Searcher Sportfishing Website.
There are two types of fisherman - those who fish for sport and those who fish for fish.
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