The above albacore were caught off the Baja coast near Ensenada aboard the Bad Dog. This has been a banner week of fishing here in the southern California and Baja California, Mexican waters. Yesterday a rare wahoo was caught among a school of that species. That is a very good sign for fishing prospects this week and into the fall. The full moon later this week and quality offshore weather sea conditions can only make this a week and month to remember in fishing lore. Boats are catching all the exotic warm water species currently; marlin, yellowtail, yellowfin, bigeye, bluefin, albacore, and a huge quantity of smaller dorado. Add to that the arrival of wahoo, and the water getting warmer offshore, and all GillBilly can say is, “It can only get better!”

Even if you've been fishing for three hours and haven't gotten anything except poison ivy and sunburn, you're still better off than the worm.
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